The Trumpet Book - by Gabriele
Some years ago, the Italian trumpet virtuoso Gabriele Cassone published a
book in Italian called La Tromba.
Now this book is available in
English, translated by Tom Dambly.
Gabriele Cassone is one of the most versatile trumpet soloists of our
time. Not only does he perform on a variety of period instruments,
including natural trumpet, keyed trumpet, and alto trumpet, he is also
a prominent exponent of contemporary music.
Sir John Eliot Gardiner says this:
The author brings together a profound
knowledge of the history and technique of the trumpet, as well as the
practical experience of a true virtuoso: when anyone hears Gabriele
Cassone perform the Second Brandenburg Concerto, they will understand
my admiration for this marvelous artist.
The book is divided into 7 chapters:
The Trumpet: Physical Characteristics and History
2: The Natural Trumpet
3: Contemporary Music for Trumpet
4: Instrumental Equipment
5: The Mute
6: Modern Trumpet Technique
7: The Trumpet in Jazz
As can be seen in chapter 6, the book also
contains a pedagocial section where these topics are discussed:
- Breathing and sound production
- Arnold Jacobs’s Song and Wind
- The embouchure
- Studies, methods, and the
daily warm-up
- Tonguing and articulation
The companion CD includes
virtuoso performances by Cassone. It is a portrait of the evolution of
the trumpet and its repertoire, with recordings of masterworks from the
Baroque to Contemporary eras, using five different instruments: natural
trumpet, keyed trumpet, alto trumpet in D, cornet, and modern C trumpet.

17 tracks, 68 minutes
Alessandro Stradella (1639–1682)
Sinfonia from Il Barcheggio for Baroque trumpet and strings
1. Spiritoso e staccato
2. (Aria)
3. (Canzone)
4. (Aria)
Giovanni Bonaventura Viviani (1638–1692)
Excerpts from Abraham in Egypt
5. Sinfonia
6. Aria: "Se risuona"
7. Aria: "Non avran di me vittoria"
Luca Antonio Predieri (1688–1767)
8. “Pace una volta” from Zenobia
Franz Joseph Haydn (1732–1809)
Concerto for keyed trumpet and orchestra in E-flat major
9. I - Allegro
10. II - Andante cantabile
11. III - Finale: Allegro
Johann Nepomuk Hummel (1788–1837)
Concerto for keyed trumpet and orchestra in E major
12. I - Allegro con spirito
13. II - Andante
14. III - Rondo: Allegro molto
Giuseppe Verdi (1813–1901)
15. Adagio for alto trumpet in D and orchestra
Jean-Baptiste Arban (1825–1889)
16. The Carnival of Venice for cornet à pistons and orchestra
Michele Tadini (*1964)
17. Notturna for C trumpet and live electronics
This book is a must have for all serious
trumpet teachers, performers and students!
How to order:
I ordered the book from Amazon
Some facts:
Publisher: Zecchini Editore
of pages: 335
Illustrations and musical examples: more than 400 color photos
Date: June 2009
Price: $75.00 (on Amazon)