
Reinhold Friedrich felt that it was very good to start the practice session with some good breathing exercises.

1. "The Fish"
Start by expelling all air (see picture above) and bend a little forward.
Inhale with open throat.
Breath out - but only 2/3 of all air.
Then fill up.
Again breathe out 2/3.
Repeat until completely full. The cycles will be shorter and shorter
Hold for 4 count
Then breathe out all air.

A variation of this exercise was to take the arm out from the body and lift them
above the head while repeating doing the intake cycle.
When you are completely filled up, the arms will have reached it positon above the head.

2. Timed breathing
Inhale with open throat.
Breathe out - counting to 10.
Breathe out - counting to 9.
Breathe out - counting to 8.
When reaching 1 count you really have to expell the air fast.

3. "Heech --- ooh"
Inhale with open throat.
Breathe out - counting to 10, but use the tongue arch and let it start high (Heech) and
then gradually lower the tongue to OOH when reaching count 10.
Repeat as in Ex. 2 by counting down for each round.

When reaching 1 count you really have to expell the air fast,
with an uninterrupted "HEECH-OOOH" sound.

4. Timed breathing through the mouthpipe.

Inhale with open throat.
Breathe out through the mouthpipe (without mouthpiece) - counting to 10.
Breathe out through the mouthpipe - counting to 9.
Breathe out through the mouthpipe - counting to 8.
