Pictures from the seminar with Reinhold Friedrich

Here are some more pictures taken at the seminar. If you click on the image, you will see a bigger one behind.
Music with colors.

To help in playing a contemporary piece,
Reinhold uses colors to mark important

Direction of air.

Roar is shown about air, and the importance
of the direction. Always straigh ahead!


Dinner at a Chinese restaurant, Jan Fredrik, Finn,
Odd N., Odd L., Reinhold and other.

The concert.

Bjørn at the piano and Reinhold playing
Morceau de Concert, Odd "turning the music".

The concert.

The ensemble needed conducting.

The traditional NTF present

Odd gave Reinhold the lur with handmade
carving at the reception in the Goethe Institut.

Trying the present.

Reinhold had to try the present. He played 
nice on it at once. Rector Boysen is listening
and watching.
