"Tired in your lips, tired in your mind."

The easy answer: Rest a day

Maurice Andre told me: �I always practice when I feel well�. Andre would often practice in his swimming pool.

Analyse your self:

One talented student I knew had no program. Sometimes he would not practice other time he would play for 8 hours.

Weather problems. �I always have problems in November�

Olive oil (not so fat).

Pedal notes. Mix mouthpiece and trumpet practice.

Use Schlossberg for a long time (1 � 1 ½ hour) as a kind of meditation.
The same with Clarke Technical Studies.

Play � rest (as long as you play).

Meditation. �Yoga and meditation is a big part of my trumpet life.�

Autogenously training � �My father in law was a doctor who practised this�

A good mix: The �air� from Cichowicz and the �athletic� from Caruso.

Question: �Do you take a rest from the trumpet during the year�?
Answer: �Yes, now I do, but not at first. I was afraid. The first time I did, I took 3 weeks, then I needed 3 weeks to come back�.

The wife of Edward Tarr has a good book about how to deal with stress (Kreutz Verlag).
