O.J.'s Trumpet Page Articles and reviews
Mastering the Tuba,
Roger Bobo, 1993, Edition BIM
Book 1, Fundamental Exercises (Warm-Ups).

This is a great book not only for tuba but in my opinion for all brass. Roger Bobo has also used treble clef in most of the exercises so a trumpet, horn or euphonium player can play without problems right out of the book.

An interesting thing with Bobo is the list of people who influenced him, like Arnold Jacobs, Emory Remington, James Stamp and Frøydis Ree Wekre.
Except Jacobs and a few other names (not listed here),  the others are not tuba players but trombone (Remington), trumpet (Stamp) and french horn (Wekre). This also is apparent in some of the exercises.

Exercise on page 13 -14, "Octave glissandos" can be found in Frøydis Ree Wekres book, "Thoughts on playing the Horn well". If this originally was an exercise from Wekre or from Bobo or someone else, I do not know. But it is a great exercise!

Exercise on page 32 - 33 called "Stamp Modification 1" is one of James Stamp's most known exercises.

The exercise called "Stamp Modification 2" (page 36 - 39) is in both Bobo and my opinion "perhaps the greatest" of all the Stamp exercises. The modification or supplement that Bobo have done to this exercise is maybe good enough reason for any trumpet player (who already know Stamp) to get this book, ASAP.
This exercise has been expanded to A above high C, starting from the low G and then returning down to pedal G - which encompasses 5 octaves.

The layout is as always with publications from BIM excellent and the text in each chapter is very clear and precise.  110 pages.

A qoute from the Introduction:
"The exercises in this book are very easy to memorize; leave the book out of the warmup process as soon as possible. Change the routine in someway everyday. Have the courage to experiment; these exercises are only starting ideas. Be your own teacher: a patient, perserving, wise and kind teacher, a teacher who is keenly aware of your personal needs, and a teacher who knows the joys of making music."

O.J. 1998