Chase Sanborn and The Brass Tactics Companion

Chase Sanborn has given examples in the book The Brass Tactics Companion on how to make more of Clarke�s Technical Studies and Arban�s Cornet Method. Here are a couple of quotes from page 148 and page 149 about Technical Studies:

From page 151 - click on the image to see a lager.

STUDY  # 2
This exercise is arguably the most famous trumpet exercise in the world. Despite the fact that it is a simple pattern applied to a major scale, I have seen students play this exercise for years, yet be unable to do it without looking at the printed page.
Anything that can be memorized should be memorized for maximum benefit.

Learn to identify the pattern that makes up this exercise as shown following. Apply this pattern to various scales as shown.

The fifth study is a scale study, which encompasses two octaves. It can be used as a range builder. It can be performed on the following scales:


o.j. 2000