O.J.'s Trumpet Page Artists and personalities

François Dauverné

François Georges Auguste Dauverné (1799 - 1874)

François Dauverné was born in Paris on February 16, 1799 and died in Paris on November 4, 1874.

At age 15 he entered the Musique des Gardes-du-Corps du Roi as trumpeter. He was also first trumpeter in the Orchestra of the Academie Royale de Musique.

In 1826, a trumpet in F with 3 valves was built in Berlin and sent (from Prussia) to Paris. François Dauverné immediately understood the new posibilities of this instrument. Dauverné is generally credited for being the first to use the valved trumpet (trompette moderne or trompette chromatique) in public performance in 1827. While he lauded the instrument in theory, he was dissatisfied with its intonation and timbre when compared to the natural trumpet. In 1828 he made Halary build him a copy of the valved trumpet. At first it had only two valves.

Dauverné persuaded composert to write for the newly invented valved trumpet. This resulted in Berlioz' overture Waverley (1827) and Rossini's Guillaume Tell (1829)

Teacher / professor at Paris Conservatory (1835 - 1869)
Trumpet teaching was first started in 1833 at the Paris Conservatory. The first teacher was François Dauverné. He was under the German influence of J. E. Altenburg.

Since the morceaux in the
the concours (the piece used in the graduation exam) were often composed by the professor, they tended to reflect both the latest developments of the instrument and the stylistic preferences of the professor. As trumpet professor, Dauverné, having no such solo repertoire at his disposal, composed every trumpet contest piece from 1835 (the first year the trumpet was included in the concours as a solo instrument) until his retirement in 1869.

Conservatory students were trained on both valved trumpet and natural trumpet (trompette simple or trompette d'ordonnance). Reviews indicate that hand-stopping was used for the concours of 1836 and the slide trumpet was used in 1845; however, it is not clear whether these instruments were used with regularity or if these contests were isolated events. Since Arban (his student) won premier prix (first place) in 1845 it is logical to assume that he received some training on the slide trumpet. Most of the morceaux used during Dauverne's tenure (1835 – 1869) were written for the natural trumpet and the two-valved trumpet in Eb.

On January 1, 1869, he retired as professor
at the Paris Conservatory.

Dauverné published several books:
In his last book from 1857, Dauverné gives a detailed history of the trumpet from antiquity to the mid-19th century. He also gives instructions for playing the natural trumpet, the slide trumpet, and the newly-invented piston trumpet. Most of this method is devoted to the natural trumpet.

Dauverné's most famous student was J. B. Arban. Arban entered Dauverné's class on September 29, 1841, at age 16.

Jules-Henri-Louis Cerclier (1823 - 1897) was a classmate of Arban. Cerclier studied from 1842 - 1845 and was the sucessor of  Dauverné as trumpet professor at the Paris Conservatory from 1869 to 1894.

Another student of Dauverné was Louis Antoine Saint-Jacome (1830-1898). Like Arban, Saint-Jacome also published a method for cornet and trumpet. He published his Grand Method for Trumpet or Cornet in 1870. Saint-Jacome's studied with Dauverné later than Arban and Cerclerier and ended his studies in 1858.


Dauverne with student
Dauverné with student.

Dauverné 1864
Dauverné in 1864

Dauverné in 1870
Dauverné in 1870

*  Edward H. Tarr "Die Trompete" 4. edition 2005
Edward H. Tarr  "Dauverné, François Georges Auguste" - Grove Music Online
*  Article by D. Kelly - ITG Journal, March 2006 (page 17 - 28)
*  Article about Cerclier at Edition BIM's website
*  A new biography by Jean-Louis Couturier (who found two pictures, from 1864 and 1870)
*  Photo of Dauverné
with student - from Christophe Rostang
o.j.2007 - 2013