O.J.'s Trumpet Page Great artists

Timofei Dokshizer

March 16, 2005 - Dokshizer passed away!

David Miller sent this sad message: 

With my deepest sorrow, I report that Timofei Dokshizer has passed away earlier this afternoon.
I received word from his granddaughter, Anna, a few minutes ago.
He will be sorely missed.

[More here.]

Short biography

(parts from Louis Davidson's"Trumpet Profiles")

Timofei Aleksandovich Dokshizer (1921 - 2005)
was born December 13, 1921 in Ukraine, in the city of Nezhin in the Chernigov province. 

On the afternoon of March 16, 2005 he passed away in Vilnius, Lithuania

Timofei Dokshizer began study of music in a military orchestra (1932 - 1935)

First trumpet teacher was Ivan Antonovich Vasilevsky (Bolshoi Theater).
Studied with him for 3 years.
Main teacher was Professor Mikhail I. Tabakov.
Studied with him for 8 years.
Timofei became the successor of Tabakov at Gnesinych Musical-Pedagogical Institute.

Timofei was the solotrumpet with Bolshoi from 1945 to 1983. He has toured as soloist in more than thirty countries, and has taken part i various performance seminars, international competitions and festivals.

Major influence
Many musicians influenced his development - especially singers -
"from whom I learned how to sing on my trumpet".
Listened a lot to Oistrach, Richter and Gilels.

During student period Timofei practiced 3 times a day (40 - 60 minutes).
Beginning in the morning with long notes using full breathing (p > pp < f > p).

Changed practice when starting professionally.
Play long notes sometimes to open up sound an deepen the breathing.
Use legato exercises of the Johanson's type.

Don't stay with any one set of exercises.

Devote special attention to exercises in intervals

Play little on day of concert/performance.

Play many etudes from memory (Burm, Brandt, Arban, Tronier and others)  

Mouthpiece: Bach 7E (according to Louis Davidsons Questionaire).
Trumpet: Benge for more than 20 years. Before that on other brands like Conn, Selmer, Schilke, and Bach.


Published Music

There are also lots of music published by (EMR) Edition Marc Reift, called Collection Timofei Dokshizer

A new revised second version of "Images Romantique", called Romantic Pictures is now available from David S. Miller.

Methode Book

Timofei has published a trumpet methode book in 1990 in french,: Methode de Trompette.
This book was translated into english in 1994 by Wendy Thompsons

Articles, interviews

In "Brass Bulletin" from 1980, no. 30 (pg. 23 - 32) and no. 31 (pg. 35 -44 ),
Timofei has written an article called: Articulation or "bowing" on the trumpet.

In "Brass Bulletin" from 1985, no. 49 (pg. 73 - 79) there is an interview with
Timofei by Marcel Hollenstein. There is also a discography.

In "ITG Journal", Feb. 95 pg. 60: Suite pour Trompette Solo "en style de Prokoview".
In "ITG Journal", Dec. 94 pg. 71: Chanson Ziganes (Sarasate) - Collection by Dokschitser.






Official web-site

Books, CD etc.

Sound samples

In RealAudio format  (Note: more sound samples under other articles)

Video clip

Anyone who has comments, suggestions etc., please email me at OJ