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Program notes from the "Harrogate Symphony Orchestra ‘93"

(see appendix no.8 & 9)

Scores: ‘Concerto in Eb major for Trumpet and Orchestra by J. Haydn’
(Edition Eulenburg) full score
‘Concerto for Trumpet by Arutunian’
(International) piano reduction

Discography: ‘Trumpet Rhapsody’ (Melodiya) soloist: Timofei Dokschizer
‘The World of the Trumpet’ (Decca) soloist: Alan Stringer
‘The Trumpet’ (Daily Telegraph) soloist: Ludwig Guttler
’‘James Watson’ (Doyen) soloist: James Watson

Acknowledgements: I am very grateful to the following who have supplied me with some very useful and interesting information:
Ole Utnes, B. Showerman, D. Lancaster, Mr Alexander Aroutiounian, Anahit Bobikian, A. Brown, Jean-Pierre Mathez, and S. Olans.