Trumpet section in Chicago Symphony Orchestra

Third /Assistant
Principal trumpet
48 - 49 Adolph Herseth Gerald Huffman Renold Schilke Frank Holz
49 - 50        
50 - 51   Rudolph Nashan Gerald Huffman Renold Schilke
51 - 52     William Babcock Robert Grocock
52 - 53       Vincent Cichowicz
53 - 54        
54 - 55        
55 - 56        
56 - 57        
57 - 58        
58 - 59     Frank Kaderabek  
59 - 60        
60 - 61   Vincent Cichowicz   Rudolph Nashan
62 - 63        
63 - 64       Phyllis Blech (vacant)
64 - 65       William Scarlett
65 - 66        
66 - 67     William Scarlett Charles Geyer
67 - 68        
68 - 69        
69 - 70        
71 - 72        
72 - 73        
73 - 74        
74 - 75   Charles Geyer   Philip Smith
75 - 76        
76 - 77        
77 - 78        
78 - 79   George Vosburgh   Timothy Kent
79 - 80        
80 - 81        
81 - 82        
82 - 83        
84 - 85        
85 - 86        
86 - 87        
87 - 88        
88 - 89        
89 - 90        
90 - 91        
91 - 92        
92 - 93   Matthew Comerford
(vacant position)
93 - 94        
94 - 95   William Scarlett Mark Ridenour  
95 - 96        
96 - 97       John Hagstrom (*)
97 - 98   Scarlett retired
John Hagstrom(*)
won the position
98 - 99   John Hagstrom   Benny Nguyen (*)
vacant from end of season
99 - 00        (*)
00 - 01       Benjamin Wright

Note: (*)
John Hagstrom joined the Chicago Symphony Orchestra in November 1996 as Fourth/Utility Trumpet, but was appointed Second Trumpet in October 1997.  Benjamin Wright won the audition for Fourth/Utility in January 2000, and started last summer during the Ravinia Festival.  So officially, the Fourth/Utility Trumpet position was open for the 1998-99 and 1999-2000 seasons.

Frank Villella
Reference Services Coordinator
Rosenthal Archives of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra

From the book Arnold Jacobs: Song and Wind, by WindSong Press