A. Lips Only
B. With Mouthpiece
2. Pedal Tones ("elephants farts")
Note: You may find it easier to play these properly if you pout(thrust your lower lip out, under the bottom rim of the moutpiece), set the mouthpiece into the lower lip, and tilt the bell of the trumpet up(while keeping your head straight, or even slightly tilted down). The most important thing is to keep you lips gently touching and strive for a clear, deep(bass) tone(hence the nickname of "elephant farts")
3. Toners
NOTE: Strive for a click between
the notes. Use you bottom lip to change pitches.
4. Tonguing
NOTE: Strive for a clear, strong attack...
Place the tongue inside that lower lip where it meets the teeth.
5. Lip Flexes
Choose one set per warmup
Set 1.
Set 2.
Play this slurred, with only
1-3 valves down(no other fingerings)
Then play again, all one fingering,
but us the following: All 2-3, all 1-2, all 2, all open.
Set 3.
Play this slurred, with only
1-3 valves down(no other fingerings)
Then play again, all one fingering,
but us the following: All 2-3, all 1-2, all 2, all open.
Set 4.
NOTE: Strive for a RIPPLE
effect whith this(Set 4.) study, with each pitch sounding clearly, though
they move quickly.
You may repeat the above on successivly higher harmonics (ie: C to C, E to E etc.)