The Brudevælte Lurs
Brudevælte lurs

In 1797 a peasant by the name of Ole Pedersen found three lur-pairs in Brudevælte Mose when he was digging peat. Brudevælte Mose was a bog (it no longer exist) close to the farm Fuglerup, northeast of Lynge in North Zealand, Denmark. This was the first, greatest and most famous lur-findings from the bronze age in Denmark.

Five of these lurs are on display at the
National Museum in Copenhagen. In 1845 the sixth lur from Brudevælte was presented as a gift to the Russian tsar Nikolaj I. This lur is still kept at the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia. Stig Johanssen from Denmark, was allowed to see and take photos of this lur. Here is a photo of the sixth lur and Stig Johanssen at the Hermitage, Leningrad, Soviet (it was still USSR) in the year 1988 .

The length of the lurs are around 2.20 meter. When compared to modern tuning, one pair is in C, one in D, one in E, one in G and one and "a half" in E flat (the other "half" - the one in Russia is probably also in E flat).

The 6 Brudevælte lurs date back approximately to 800 - 700 BC. Even today, after almost 3000 years, the old bronze-lurs from Brudevælte are in such a fine condition that they can be played.

In 1966, a recording was made in Denmark, called Klange fra Danmark's bronzealderlurer (Music blown on lurs from the Danish Bronze Age).
10" 331/3 rpm disc. Nationalmuseet NM 67-001.  It was performed by Palmer Traulsen and G. A. Wilkenschildt. They use the Brudevælte lurs. The Brudevælte pair in C (Museum no. 8116), are presumably those in the best playing condition since they occupy the whole of side 1 on the LP.


Thanks to:
Per-Olof Johansson for info about the lur in Russia and for use of the photo and links! 
