I met Rafael Méndez  - Michael Phillippe

Rafael Mendez played at my college around 1975 or 1976.

The concert was at Northeastern Illinois University and he played with the Concert Band. I was in college just before I went on the road. 
I know he played "Trumpeters Lullaby", I also think he played "Tico, Tico". I would have to call the school, they might remember what he played.

I talked to Rafael Junior while in Glendale, years ago. We were to meet over lunch but could not do so - regret that. His sons are urologists. 

Mendez lived in Encino Valley, Vista Bulevard. Remember talking to Mrs. Mendez when I called his home.

Sure miss him.
Such a gentleman, great trumpet player, even in his later years.

His last record, Love & Inspiration, I actually like the best. He signed it:

"To Michael


Michael Phillippe
Former Lead Trumpeter for The Russ Morgan Orchestra, Las Vegas, Nevada   
