The Norwegian Trumpet Forum

In 1986 some enthusiastic music students founded the Norwegian Trumpet Forum (NTF). The purpose of the NTF is to establish and encourage the flow of information between trumpet players. This is mainly achieved through seminars and other arrangements and through a quarterly published periodical. The NTF can be regarded as a local supplement to the ITG, promoted in the same spirit and in close collaboration with ITG members.

Today the NTF has more than 200 members. The NTF board consists of four members, two professional and two amateurs. The two professionals are (chairman) Odd Lund  (Norwegian State Academy of Music), Jan Fredrik Christiansen (Principal Trumpet, Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra) and the two amateurs are Finn Ingebretsen ( and Kristin Reiten.

A rough estimate of the number of trumpet/cornet players in Norway yields about 10 - 15,000 of all ages and skill levels. (This is about 0.3% of the total population, and might be a world record?) Anyway, this large source of recruitment is still a challenge to the NTF.

The main annual event is a four to six-day seminar in collaboration with the Norwegian State Academy of Music, with instructors of high international reputation.

In recent years we have had the pleasure of having seminars with famous trumpet teachers such as:
Vincent Cichowicz,
Timofei Dokschitzer,
Edward Tarr,
Leonard Candelaria,
Philip Smith,
Konradin Groth
and this year; Allen Vizzutti.