O.J.'s Trumpet Page Resources

Tuning and intonation

A resource page about tuning and intonatiton for the brass player. Inspired by Stephen Colley and his excellent tools, I have collected some information that can be of help to all who want to develop their own intonation skills. As a start, here is a quote from an interview with Colley:

There is a strange phenomenon surrounding intonation. It's almost like "The Emperor's New Clothes". We all know there's a problem. No one is fooling anyone if they can't play in tune. But the problem is that we rarely talk about it. There may be no more frustrating area of musicianship than intonation. Teachers who struggle with intonation themselves may even shy away from dealing with it. But, we ignore intonation at our peril and at the expense of fine musicianship.

Examples, tools, etc: