O.J.'s Trumpet Page Artists and personalities

Adolf Scherbaum


Background and early career.
Adolf Scherbaum (1909-2000) was born in 1909 in Eger (today the Czech Republic) as a Sudeten German, into an amateur music family. 8 years old he began to play the trumpet. From 1923 to 1928 he studied at the Military Music School in Prague. In 1929 he finished his studies in Vienna with Prof. Dengler. From1930 to 1939 he was solo trumpet at the county theatre of Brünn (Brno), 1939-41 at the German Philharmonic in Prague under Joseph Keilberth, 1941-45 with the Berlin Philharmonic (under Wilhelm Furtwängler and after the end of the war under Sergiu Celibidache). In 1945 he was interned in Prague. From 1946 to 1951 he was solo trumpet at the Radio and Professor at The Pressburg Conservatory. In 1951 with the help of the Red Cross he could leave the Czechoslovakia. During his stay at the detention camp in Pfalz he began to work on his Low-Pressure-Method. From 1951 to 1964 he was solo trumpet under Hans Schmidt-Isserstedt with the Hamburg Radio Orchestra.

About Scherbaum:
The famous Maurice André once replied during a TV-interview to the question as to who was the best trumpet player ranking right after himself: "I am being followed by many, but I had a single predecessor, Adolf Scherbaum, to whom I owe it all - it was his playing that set the standard and shaped my style". To Josef Bayer he wrote: "Adolf Scherbaum was the forerunner for a whole generation, particularly in my youth."

Also to other great trumpet artist like "Bud" Herseth (Chicago Symphony Orchestra) he was an ideal: "... he was the first to really go into the Baroque high trumpet playing in a big way - a very exciting player."

Walter Roth has provided a discography.

Here is an interview with Josef  Bayer who was a student of  Scherbaum.
If people want to know more about Adolf Scherbaum, they should visit the web site created by Josef Bayer: