George Swift played with the Jack Hylton Orchestra from 1934.

Poster of Jack Hylton and his Orchestra - 1935

Member of the Jack Hylton Orchestra in 1935.
Member list in text format:
und sein Orchester
Jack Hylton... Dirigent
Maurice Loban.. Violine
Eddie Hooper.. Violine
Jack Farrell.. Violine
Richard Willows.. Violine, Viola, Saxophon
George Swift.. Trompete
Jack Raffle.. Trompete, Violine
Phillippe Brun.. Trompete, Violine
Leslie Carew.. Posaune
Eric Breeze... Posaune, Trompete
Billy Ternent.. Saxophon, Bass-Klarinette, Violine, Trompete, Klavier
Harry Carr.. Saxophon, Flöte
Freddy Schweitzer..Saxophon, Klarinette
Benny Daniels.. Saxophon, Violine
Billy Munn.. Klavier, Akkordion
Alec Templeton.. Klavier
Sonny Farrar.. Banjo, Gitarre, Cello
Gilbert Webster.. Trommeln, Xylophon, Marimba, Pauke
Andre de Vekey.. Bassgeige
Brian Lee.. Sänger
und sein Orchester
spielen aus dem nachfolgenden Repertoire die Stücke, die durch
Nummern angezeigt werden
1. St. Louis Blues
2. Hylton Stomp
3. Xylophon Solo
4. Some of these days
5. Rhapsody in Blue
6. The Knightsbridge Movement (aus Eric Coates
7. In Town to-night
8. Rindin' in the Rain
9. Potpourri aus beliebten neuen Stücken
10. Chinatown
11. Stars fell on Alabama
12. Miss Otis Regrets
13. Music makes me
14. College Rhythm
15. Ellingtonia
16. Minnie Moocher
17. Big Bad Wolf
18. I wish I were Twins
19. Moon Glow
20. Hyltonisms
21. Lost in a Fog
22. The House is haunted
23. Beat of my Heart
24. I saw Stars
25. Ole Faithful
26. Over my Shoulder
27. Love in Bloom
28. Love thy Neighbour
29. Doing the Uptown lowdown
30. Avalon
31. Dinah
32. Two Cigarettes
33. Violinsolo
34. Lets fall in Love
35. Smoke gets in your Eyes
36. Isle of Capri
37. Keep young and beautiful
38. Continental
39. That's the way I like to hear you talk
40. Trompetensolo und anderes
More about the Jack
Hylton and his Orchestra.
Thanks to Edward Tarr for
copy of these posters!