From: "Chase Sanborn" <>
Date: Wed, 14 May 2003 15:34:37 -0400
Subject: [TPIN] Brass Tactics Revised Edition

After much ballyhooing and a few unexpected delays, the text and CD's for the Revised Edition of Brass Tactics are now both in stock. And not a moment too soon!

So here is the BIG commercial. Sorry for the blatant hucksterism, but SOMEBODY'S gotta' pay for this stuff!

The original edition of Brass Tactics was written six years ago, primarily as a manual for my students. I was taken by surprise by the international response (TPIN was instrumental in that). Many thousands of copies have been sold, in well over 40 countries. The sequel, Brass Tactics Companion, has been equally popular. Where once I couldn't spell 'author', now I are one. (see the Comments From Readers, below)

With the Revised Edition, I have combined and expanded these two books. What I thought would be a relatively simple revision turned into a whole new book. Virtually every chapter has been completely re-written and all the material has been reorganized. I've added text and lots of exercises not contained in either of the original books. I've learned a lot from six years of experience with students using these books, and have improved rather dramatically as a writer, thanks to subtle suggestions from alert readers. The result is that ideas are presented more coherently and concisely. If you liked the original edition, I think you'll love the Revised Edition.

From the beginning, readers asked me to record a CD demonstrating the exercises, and the revision has given me the chance to do just that. The Brass Tactics CD presents the exercises as they appear in the Revised Edition, and contains spoken descriptions and playing demonstrations of:

The Brass Tactics CD is included with every copy of the Revised Edition, and is also available separately. (The CD also contains two bonus tracks from my soon-to-be-discontinued first CD, Good To The Last Bop, including a duet with Guido Basso.)

I'm quite proud of and excited about this book/CD set. It's been a long time coming, but the wait was worth it. The Revised Edition of Brass Tactics offers a wealth of information that is available nowhere else, and will teach you everything you need to know about blowing into a brass tube and demanding union scale for the result!

I will have a few copies with me at my clinics at ITG (Tuesday & Wednesday). Brass Tactics and Jazz Tactics will also be available in limited quantities at the Penders Music booth. Signed copies can be ordered directly from the website, with free shipping in North America. I will attempt to ship all
orders received by Friday, May 16, before I leave for the conference.

For anyone that has already ordered an advance copy of the book, your CD's will go out on Thursday.

Many thanks for the continued support from all the TPIN members! I'm looking forward to seeing many of you next week!

Chase Sanborn

Selected Comments From Readers:

"Chase, your book is a killer! You've sure got it all together. You're a wonderful musician and I wish you beaucoup de success!"
Leon Merian (Bradenton, FL)

Chase Sanborn provides advice from the real world of the professional player. His books also serve as great references to other sources of material. They feature a humorous style that makes them a joy to read.
Ole Utnes (Tonsberg, Norway)

The books by Chase Sanborn are the first really sensible and fun books for today's trumpeters. The information contained within them is realistic, encouraging, and comprehensible. They are designed to help players at all levels understand what playing is all about. I highly recommend that every sincere player get these right away!
Bobby Shew (Los Angeles, CA)

The Brass Tactics books do what no other books have done: they give the student a complete approach to the basics and beyond, while providing a comprehensive guide to the other important and pertinent literature that they will be utilizing all of their musical life. An invaluable resource!
Marvin Stamm (New York, NY)

Chase Sanborn has a uniquely logical approach to playing the trumpet, with the musical part of this challenging endeavour always in mind. These books are a must for every trumpet player's library.
Ron Romm (Sarasota, FL)

The Brass Tactics books are amazing. They provide a practical and all-encompassing guide to playing better while plugging you into the real world as a brass player. Chase is the Marcella Hazan of brass playing!
Guido Basso (Boss Brass)

No trumpet player, at any stage, should be without these books. Brass Tactics not only teaches you how to play the trumpet, but how to be a TRUMPET PLAYER. Chase Sanborn shows you how to handle yourself in any professional or amateur situation.
Dennis Najoom (Milwaukee Symphony)

The Brass Tactics books offer the most comprehensive wealth of information I have ever seen dedicated to the trumpet. Clearly and concisely laid out, the books are very user-friendly and humorous, which puts the reader at ease right from the start. Most importantly, they are written by a fine and widely-experienced player who has the ability to pass on his experiences in a positive and encouraging way. I thoroughly recommend Chase Sanborn's books to anyone who is serious about the trumpet.
Eddie Severn (Birmingham, UK)

FINALLY, someone has written a brass book with the correct priorities! Brass Tactics is incredibly helpful to all brass players! Thank you for writing this book!
Paul Navarro (Lyric Opera of Chicago Orchestra)

What students need is the advice of an expert teacher telling them how to take advantage of the stacks of material already available. You have filled this need with Brass Tactics. I have never seen so much valuable information, not only about playing the instrument, but about every other aspect of being a musician covered so completely.
Phyllis Stork (Stork Custom Mouthpieces)

I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your books. I agree with what you say and how you present it. Brass Tactics is a first class method that is clear and concise.
James Thompson (Eastman School of Music)

I enjoyed Brass Tactics a lot and shared some of it with my trumpet studio class. Congratulations on a very important text for all trumpet players.
David Baldwin (University of Minnesota)

The Brass Tactics books are two of the most comprehensive texts on trumpet that I have ever seen. There are articles on every aspect of trumpet playing. The writing is very conversational in style so the reader can imagine taking a lesson as they study Mr. Sanborn's teaching and playing philosophies. I found his insights into the world of the modern professional musician intriguing and relevant. For the advancing player who is serious about his art, or anyone considering a career as a professional trumpet player, these books are a must read.
International Trumpet Guild Journal

I have spent nearly $80,000 in tuition to learn a fraction of what I've learned reading your book in only a few days!
Jason Harrelson (Northfield, MN)

Just the first 25 pages are worth the price of the book!
Dennis Hill (Laguna Hills, CA)