Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 08:14:52 +0200
From: "Ole J. Utnes" <>
Subject: Bravo Rune!

Hello TPIN'ers !

I've just subscribed to TPIN digest again after my summer vacation.

Yesterday when I fired up my computer at work I went to Rune's site to look for the improvements he told me he would do.

*** Wow ***

Great! - a lot of good information about trumpet playing and the use of frames have made the presentation much better.

But, (and on that Rune is kind of a pioneer) he has made some video clip of him self, demonstrating how to warm up etc.
I told you Rune (as a personal comment) that if he upgrade the video later, some of it should be zoomed in so that you really can see how he does the lip flutter/buzzing, mouthpiece buzzing etc.

I think what Rune has done other TPIN'ers also could do. Come on Nick, Clyde - you have already begun with RA sound clip. It also would be nice to see and hear you Jeannie, I've noted that you have started making your own web-site.

The nice thing about using multimedia in this way is that we get it free.
And it is an enhencement to the text.

Up till now there have been some instructional videos - but several of them are far too expensive (like the Adam video).
With the cheap but good equipment now one can easily produce good videos and by presenting clip's from those videos on the web everybody get to see what it is. (Well you have to install RealPlayer to see it).

Rune, could you tell us how you did this and what type of equipment you used?

- --
Ole Jorgen Utnes  --  "Oulee the Gentle Viking"