Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 16:29:21 -1000
From: Mark Minasian <>
Subject: Further travels of Doc Severinsen

Tpin has had several posts over the last few weeks about Doc Severinsen's various live performances.  Well, he's in Honolulu now and appearing tonight and tomorrow with the Honolulu symphony.

Yesterday, I heard that Doc was rehearsing with the symphony so I decided to crash the rehearsal. I showed up about a quarter to 5 and found Doc out in the parking lot buzzing his mouthpiece.  We chatted a bit and I had him autograph a photo I have, then I asked him about a TPIN message I responded to weeks ago about a piccolo trumpet he had for sale.  Doc said "You're the guy!  I have the horn back at my hotel room." The orchestra manager went back to Doc's hotel room and fetched his Scherzer 4-valve piccolo, and I left Doc to his warm-up.

Talking to a trombone player back stage, he said that Doc was there buzzing his mouthpiece when he arrived at 4:00.  An hour later, he finally finished his mouthpiece routine and started warming up on his trumpet. The rehearsal was scheduled to start at 7:00. For the next two hours, Doc stood in a corner blowing Schlossberg and James Stamp exercises, stopping only to chat occasionally with me or members of the orchestra.  Have to admit, I was impressed.  He still produces the most incredible sound I've ever heard on a trumpet.  And how many of you "warm up" for three hours before a three hour rehearsal?  Then again, how many trumpet players in their 70's blow like Doc Severinsen?

About a half hour after we chatted, the orchestra manager returned with Doc's piccolo.  He handed it to me and asked me to try it out. I told him I hadn't warmed up yet and he told me that I was welcome to play in his room if his warming up didn't bother me. WAS HE KIDDING ME?  I grabbed my horn and started playing next to Doc. Quickly we're talking horns and mouthpieces, mutual aquaintances, etc.

Back to the piccolo.  Doc said he bought the horn when in Germany 15-20 years ago and has never used it. The horn looks brand new, and is a dream to play. One of the best piccs I've ever played. Wrote Doc a check on the spot and he said "it's yours".  Pretty wild to own a horn that belonged to one of my trumpet idols, especially something as unique as a rotory piccolo belonging to Doc Severinsen.

As the musicians start arriving, I see a trumpet player I had never seen before, and ask him if he is Doc's lead player.  Yes, and he introduced himself as Tom Delibero.  Lives in Las Vegas and he and I have a lot of mutual friends.  I tell him I'm Mark Minasian, and he says, "I've heard of you!" HOW?  He had seen things I've posted on the internet about Bill Adam.  Amazing how small the world has become as a result of the Internet.

I'm looking forward to the concert tonight.  Doc sounded incredible at last night's rehearsal. It's the stuff from his collaborations with the Cincinati Pops/Telarc recordings.  Tom Delibro said he wants to come down to the night club where I usually play on weekends and sit in.  We'll bail out my sub late tonight after Doc's show.


Mark Minasian