The first TPIN announcement

as it was posted to the Brass mailing list on 12/9/1993 by Michael Anderson:

Date: Thu, 9 Dec 1993 22:21:37 -0600 (CST)
From: Michael Anderson <>
Subject: ATTENTION: Trumpet players!

I have started, what I believe to be , the first trumpet listserv
available on Intenet. It is dedicated exclusively to the subject of the
trumpet. Perfomance, education, techniques, equipment, anything
related to the trumpet.

If you want to subscribe, please send the following message to:
subscribe trumpet

Please do not include any other words or punctuation in this message.
Do NOT try to subscribe by mailing me, or the list's address.

Feel free to pass the word around about the list as I would liek as
many people as possible to subscribe.

If you have any suggestions or questions regarding the list, please
mail me at:

Michael Anderson
Director of Instrumental Music
Dana College