> I need the changes to "I've Got Rhythm"
Hello Stephanie,
Well, this isn't the easiest medium in the world, but I'll give it a try. (And I don't know if this will "stay-put" on your screen ???)
Let's say, Key of Bb:
FIRST EIGHT: I - vi | ii7 - V | , repeated over the first eight meas., with an authentic cadence.
REPEAT: SECOND EIGHT meas., same as first.
BRIDGE : D7 / / / | D7/ / / | G7/ / / | G7 / / / | C7 / / / | C7 / / / | F7 / / / | F7 / / / |
LAST EIGHT: (Bb) I - vi | ii7 -
F7 | ON the eighth measure, a Deceptive G7 / / /
\ (TAG) ii - V7 - | I / / / END
(Ten measure total)
Usually, the tag is ommitted except for the head, and the last chorus.
Stephanie, this is a very important pattern for you to learn!
- it is even "known" as "rhythm changes", after the tune you
seek . Lots of
tunes use "rhythm changes", albeit with lots of substitutions.
I have no idea if the above will remain intact, and make any sense? It should get you close.
All the best!
Clyde Hunt