Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 11:30:09 -0400
From: Jeanne G Pocius <>
Subject: Re: RANGE IN BEGINNERS (Pedals?)


        Fwiw, I start beginners on pedals right away....With some I start them on a tighter buzz first, then add the pedals, with others it works better to start them on the pedals first, then gradually show them how to center the buzz more and more(*airplane taking off*)....

        Advantages?  Well, first of all there's no anxiety about playing pedals. Then there tends to be a more steady development in range. There also seems to be a better concept of pushing the air through than there is in kids who haven't learned the pedals.

        I personally use pedals(these are all *double low* pedals, mind you, that START two octaves below low C) in my own warmup, and make a point of demonstrating that warmup to students before I play with them during their lessons(so they know that I practice what I preach<G>)....

        I also strongly recommend following lip and/or mpc buzzing with the pedals, to keep the chops from becoming overly tight, and to help the kids(note that I refer to all my students as *kids* regardless of their chronological ages--a habit learned from the late Irvin Bourque) remember to keep their jaw open....

        Hope this is helpful...I'd be happy to elaborate off list for anyone so interested...
- --
Take Care!