Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2002 15:35:55 -0400
From: Bryan Edgett <>
Subject: TPIN Value

The praise rightly directed toward Roddy Lewis recently got me to think about the benefits of this forum. I have been a TPIN member since 1994 or 95, I forget which. I joined out of curiosity. At times, the inanity and ubiquity of certain issues made me rethink my membership. But always, the benefits outweighed any time or aggravation concerns. I've been a serious student both of the trumpet and brass pedagogy for many years. I studied both during my master's and doctoral degrees. Among the most startling facts of education lies the truth that the quest for both artistic and pedagogical excellence lasts a lifetime. The things covered here from which I benefited include, but are not limited to:

The closed embouchure (Pops, Jeanne, Clyde)
The role of the aperture (Clyde, Pops, Leon, Eddie, Jeanne, a host of others)
The difference between an open and a spread embouchure (Eddie Lewis)
The value of "blowing the pipe" (Gary Radtke, Karl Sievers)
Releasing the tongue effectively (Leon)
A wide variety of range, embouchure, and breathing/blowing/buzzing discussions
What Farkas said and how it often gets employed (Pops, et al)
Detailed musicianship and analysis (John Daniel)
Besides pedagogical growth, TPIN has allowed me to:
Play with TPINers Wilmer Wise, Karl Sievers, John Daniel, Al Lilly, and a host of others
Sell and buy instruments
Exchange phone calls with several TPINers
Ask for advice when I have questions about my approach to a given practice or performance issue
Take lessons from a couple of folks
I have received scores of "thank you" messages to different posts. I save them in a folder I call "Encouragement." When I begin to doubt if I have done anything meaningful in my profession, I read them. (Tim Zimmerman gave me that idea nearly 20 years ago.)

I've bought many CDs that I never would have been exposed to except for TPIN. I use valve oil and slide grease that I discovered here. I met Gary Radtke as a result of a review published in this forum. I now use his pieces.

And, as the fall semester gets underway and as I anticipate new students, returning students, and the like, I want to say thank you to Mike and to all the TPINers who give this list such value. To my fellow teachers, players, manufacturers, CD-buyers, equipment lovers, reviewers, and friends, blessings to you, one and all.

Bryan Edgett