Date: Sun, 28 May 2000 13:44:04 -0400
From: Tim Phillips <>
Subject: [TPIN] TPIN trumpet ensemble and ITG2000


I had the distinct pleasure of playing on the TPIN commission piece at the Festival of Trumpets program.  We had the honorable position of next to the BIG mass work at the end of the program.  At the first rehearsal, I was really blown away (literally) by the level of skill and artistry of my fellow internet geeks :)  Most pleasurable was sitting beside Karl Seivers - someone who had played in North Carolina for many years in the past, but we never met or worked together before then.  Karl is really top drawer for those of you who have never heard him play (as if what I think really matters...)

Of course, playing in the august company of Wilmer Wise, Jim West and Ellis Workman in the choir where I was anchor was a real thrill as well.  The choir to our left was John Daniel, Bryan Edgett, Janet Griffith, and Al Lilly.  To our right was Karl Seivers, Del Lyren, Greg Alley, and Kim Stephens.  We didn't take a single tuning note at any reherasal or performance, and tuning was never a problem - that is the caliber of the people involved.  We listened, contributed, and cooperated - hopefully a positive example of what the TPIN community is all about...

For those of you who elected not to go to ITG 2000.  You missed an event that will probably never be repeated.  The lineup of talent, accessibility of vendors in private rooms so you could actually talk whilst people were screaming their guts out at other booths, and the sheer number of events (there were 7 clinics going on at one time one day) made this event indescribable.  Hats off to Graham Ashton and Jon Faddis for putting this event together.  Kudos to the administration and staff of SUNY Purchase for hosting this event.

The only complaint I had was about the housing situtations - but that was the fault of people not directly involved with the event.  It is a pity that Shamilla (?) and Purchase will take a black eye over one division's incompetence.

Those of us on the website staff lost many hours sleep during the weeks, but keep checking the ITG website.  I am in the process of getting some video and audio clips together and you can see and hear a little of what you missed (including the TPIN piece in its entirety).

- --
Tim Phillips