Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 10:59:35 +0100
From: "Ole J. Utnes" <>
Subject: The new BERP

I have just published an interview with Mario Guarneri about his new BERP.
It's here:

I bought a new BERP both for my Trumpet and French Horn and I really love to use them. Both for the warm up and
later to check things when practicing. I have them permanent attached to the lead pipe.

The instructional cassette with Mario and some other pros. (on horn, trombone and tuba) is also excellent.

I though I had a relaxed center and a full open sound but the BERP & the cassette helped me improve.
Dennis Wick once said that 5 min. buzzing the mpc. was equal to 20 min. on the trombone for him.
Now I feel a bit of the same effect for me by using the BERP.

Usually I'm not the person interested in equipment (I skip a lot of those posts and I do not have a shoe box with mpcs.)
- - so in a way this is a paradox, but this "thing" was really a great practice aid for me. Recommended!

- --
"Oulee the Gentle Viking"