Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 08:35:53 -0500
From: (William F. Dishman)
Subject: Trpt. Commentary V

Trumpet Commentary V (Clarke cont.)

(Taken from "How I Became a Cornetist" by Herbert L. Clarke)

Herbert L. Clarke on His Father...
When only a mere child, I used to be awakened in the early hours of every morning by hearing him practice such music as the Bach Fugues and other organ and piano compositions, all of high standard and classical nature. My father was so thorough in his study and work that he never was quite satisfied with himself, but was ever striving to become more perfect in his technic.

Herbert L. Clarke on his first instrument...
I was then between four and five years of age, and having shown a taste for band music, was provided with a drum as my first band instrument.

Herbert L. Clarke on musical environment...
I wish to impress upon my colleagues the point that, having been brought up within the best of musical environments, perhaps I have had more and greater opportunities than the average boy. Father never would allow us to play harshly or at all coarsely (i.e. vulgarly), he taught us that music was an ART, not a TRADE and being of an extremely sensitive nature himself he could not and would not endure "Noise" in music.

It was this strictness of musical atmosphere which was the foundation of my successs later on. I newver was permitted to let the slightest mistakes pass uncorrected when practicing, but was taught to correct and conquer even the most simple one immediately, while still but a child.

Herbert L. Clarke on Carelessness...
It is astounding how many beginners on musical instruments are allowed to become careless, they themselves not realizing what it means or how much work will have to be undone and done over later on in life.

I classify all uncorrected errors as "microbes" which, although invisible to the naked eye, are deadly - even more deadly than an animal as big as an elephant.  One can run away or hide from or dodge an elephant, but not so with a microbe.  These minute ornanisms multiply rapidly and in large number if not immediately driven out of the system.

Herbert L. Clarke on "Band" Enthusiasm...
Many a mile have I walked beside a band, falling behind occasionally and then running ahead to catch up again, perfectly contented to keep it up all day long and never feeling tired until reaching home.

But Boys!  I just felt it all though me, and know that there are many of you who feel exactly the same yet don't quite know how to get it out of your system.

Hebert L. Clarke on Edwin's first parade...
On the very first parade he made with the band, I marched beside him over the entire route, gratiultously informing the public that "This is my BROTHER playing the cornet!"

Bill Dishman