From: "Herman M. Kuhlmann" <>
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 1996 16:32:26 -0800
Subject: Re: cornet soloists

     Hello Ole and Tpin Folk,

Attached is a letter purported to be from Herbert L. CLarke to Elden Benge.
Hope you find it interesting..
Regards Morrie

To Whom it May Concern;
    The following is a letter from Herbert L. Clarke to Elden Benge,
Perhaps one of the great ironies (Webster's 3rd usage) of the trumpet world.

                           ANGLO CANADIAN LEATHER CO.
    ( picture of Clarke      Huntsvile, Ontario
          here )                   Canada

        Mr.Elden E.Benge
        Winterset, I a.

        My dear Mr. Benge:-

                         Replying to yours of the 19th just received, would

        not advise you to change from Cornet to Trumpet, as the latter
        instrument is only a foreign fad for the time present, and is only used
        properly in large orchestras of 60 or more, for dynamic effects, and
        was never intended as a solo instrument.

                          I never heard of a real soloist playing before the
        public on a Trumpet. One cannot play a decent song even, properly, on
        it, and it has sprung up in the last few years like "jaz" music, which
        is the nearest Hell, or the Devil, in music. It polutes the art of Music.

                           Am pleased that you are making improvements in your
        playing. Keep it up, and become a great Cornet Player. You have an
        equal chance with all the rest, but you must work for it yourself.

                           Wishing you all the best of success, I remain.

                                           Sincerely Yours

                                 (signed) Herbert L. Clarke

1. Winterset, i a. is not an identified
2. The "19th" date is unclear. (sentence 1)
3. I was only 2 years old at the time of writing, hence have no first hand knowledge of the mood and prejudices of the Cornet players of the 1921 era.
4. The Header was done in very fancy ornate Gothic style type
5. The copy of the letter was obtained from Givan Lotz of Lotz Music in Seattle, Wa.

Regards Morrie