Date: Tue, 16 Dec 1997 16:41:57 +0000
From: "Peter A. Sokolowski" <>
Subject: First Double C

Hi Folks--------

I don't talk much about my own playing, as I am really a better listener than player, but I thought that others would be interested in hearing that I played the first double C of my existence last night while practicing.

For those working on improving from a layoff or playing more efficiently, I'd like to tell you that the TPIN has indeed helped me on this path.  First and foremost, Jeanne Pocius formed my embouchure with all its mechanics (thanks, Jeanne!) exactly 10 years ago to start this journey.  Jerry Callet gave good advice too.

After much sweat and tears, Mark Van Cleave (whom I met when he was a frequent contributor to this list) helped in May with ONE lesson about embouchure and breathing.  I'm still trying to absorb it all, but his ideas (well explained in his books) have greatly helped.  Clyde Hunt's book "Sail the Seven C's" has also presented valuable exercises, notably the "harmonic scales," which is how I finally bumped into Mr. Double C, a note which is for me about where high G was six months ago--pretty rapid progress by most standards, I think.

Philosophically, Eddie Lewis has also influenced my thinking a good deal, especially with the notion that high register playing is a consequence of good ALL-AROUND trumpet playing, and not to be developed as if it can exist independantly.

Of course, I've had many influences and picked many brains, and currently am studying hard with another great teacher, but I thought I would share this with everyone so that those on the list might know how much these folks have helped me out--they can help you, too!

What's significant is that their advice complements each other very well.  We get a unique chance to have "master classes" every day with superb players and teachers.

That's the beauty of this list.

Happy Birthday, TPIN
I've been here for a full three of your four years.
Felicitations, Micheal.

- --Peter