Date: Mon, 16 Feb 1998 13:12:35 +0100
From: "Ole J. Utnes" <>
Subject: Great days with Allen Vizzutti!

Hello fellow TPIN'ers !

Just returned from four great days with Allen Vizzutti!!!!

I will make a web-page with notes from the seminar etc.(stay tuned).

Allen also played a great concert and he allowed me and (TPIN'er) Rune to tape the concert so that we could put some of into RealAudio-format. The first part of the concert was classical and the last jazz.

During the seminar he explained how to use his books and a lot of other important things and gave us a lot of ideas to work on.

As Chick Corea says on the back cover of Allen's books - "he has great wit." He told some very funny stories and demonstrated things in a very humorous way.

What impressed me (as a former music teacher) was his teaching. All those who performed in the masteclasses, he worked with very effective and the rest of us could witness how they improved immediately.
And they all felt well after that session - great!
That is really great teaching - and he never used a lot of words - mostly his horn - having the student to imitate etc.

Well - just a short note - as I said, I will make some web pages.


I also met Rune Aleksandersen for the firsts time - I have known him from TPIN and via private email conversation since the autumn of 1996. One day he invited me home and served a delicious dinner (salmon).
And I met his wife and his 3 small kids - (So hello Rune, thanks, and regards to your wife!)
- --
Ole Jorgen Utnes  --  "Oulee the Gentle Viking"