Date: Wed, 01 Jul 1998 13:04:35 -0400
From: Jeanne G Pocius <>
Subject: Re: Why choose trumpet?


1.  Because no other instrument sounds like a trumpet.:^)

2.  Because no other instrument _feels_ like a trumpet.:^)

3.  Because no other instrument makes you feel like you're     singing like a trumpet does.:^)

4.  Because no other instrument gets to play the same variety of     musical styles in the same way as the trumpet. :^)

5.  Because no other instrument can boast of also enamoring:
Harry James, Louis Armstrong, Mannie Klein, Rafael Mendez, Maurice Andre, Roy Eldridge, Cootie Williams, Ziggy Elman, Bunny Berigan, Billy Butterfield, Bill Vacchiano, Mel Broiles, Phil Smith, Tom Stevens, Bill Adams, Clyde Hunt, Michael Anderson, Bud Herseth, Mundy Ghitalla, Timofey Dokshizer, Ian McKechnie, Greg Alley, Al Lilly, Eddie Lewis, Jeff Parke, John Lynch, Rich Szabo, Roger Voisin,, and me. ;^)

6.  Because no other instrument gets to enjoy TPIN quite the way we do... ;^)

7.  Because you love it more than you've ever loved anyone or anything else(even though you sometimes hate it just as much <G>)

8.  Because only a trumpet player could get away with dressing like  Doc does without being labled with deleterious terminology<G>.

9.  Because no other instrument lets you blow off steam quite so well.;^)

and finally:

10.  Because you don't choose the trumpet--The trumpet chooses YOU!

- --
Take Care!