Pictures from the seminar

Here are some pictures taken by our NTF editor, Finn Ingebretsen. In the scanning process some of the qualities of the original photo is lost. If you click on the image, you will see a bigger one behind. But it can take time to transfere if you use a slow modem

From the masteclass. 

Allen is playing from his Method Books
Vera and Verena are watching and listening.

From the masteclass. 

Allen and Verena.
Bjørn Strandvold at the piano.

From the masteclass. 

Allen and Vera playing together.

From the masteclass. 

? is playing and Allen is watching.

From the masteclass.

Allen and ? is playing a duet from the Method Book

The present.

Allen received this present
from NTF at a social gathering.
The traditional NTF-present,
a "Lur" engraved by Odd Lund

The present.


Allen is trying the "lur" for the
first time....

From the Yamah stand.
From the Concert, Jazz part.
From the Concert, Jazz part.
